Wonder how the birds migrate south every winter with their brood without worrying about carrying kilos of luggage to keep their young ones entertained?
On the other hand, you pack a bit up like Carl Fredricksen from Pixar’s Up and need your entire house! The contents within must be stuffed into bag packs bursting at the seams so the kids can eat, sleep, and exist for those 2 weeks. But it amazes you how other parents have found that fine line between preparing for an apocalypse and backpacking with a limited survival kit.
So, what’s their secret? Well, it’s actually a mix that includes having a great family vacation packing list that covers all essential items, a great kid-friendly vacation rental, and a little research done in advance.
Download Our Printable Family Vacation Packing List
Let’s start with the family vacation packing list so you pack only the items you need. For this, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Here’s a family vacation packing list printable that you can download and use to check off items to pack.
We’ve even left a little section for some personal items, like a favorite blanket or blinkey. After all, you know your family and their needs best.

1. Important Documents
First things first: passports, cards and other important documents need to be in place. Be sure to check the validity of passports and credit cards, as well as travel restrictions.
An RFID travel wallet is a great way to keep all items organized, safe and easily accessible. Remember to email a copy of all the important documents to yourself so you can access them in case you lose them.
- Passports and visas
- Credit cards and cash in a secure wallet/money belt
- Driver’s license and I.D. card,
- Health and travel insurance information
- Keys
- Electronic versions of reservations
- A vaccination certificate or any other required travel documents
2. First Aid and Medical Supplies
After travel documents, the second most important thing you need to check off your family vacation packing list is first aid and medical supplies.
Why? Because you can always find your way around a forgotten parka; (worst-case scenario, you purchase a new one) but the same cannot be said about important documents and allergy medication.
So pack these first, and double-check to ensure a stress-free travel experience. If you’re planning on active excursions like hiking or taking a boat trip, be sure to add a first-aid kit and nausea medication to help with the sea sickness. If you are traveling during the winter, it’s worth carrying a nebulizer to help with congestion and sleepless nights.
- Prescription medication and a prescription or doctor’s letter
- Allergy meds and antibiotics
- Thermometers and OTC medicines for fever and upset tummies
- First aid supplies include gauze, anti-bacterial spray, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes and band-aids.
- Sunscreen
- Contact lenses and contact solutions
- Emergency contact information
Other optional items, depending on your trip, may include:
- Nebulizers if traveling to a colder region
- Nausea medication for long boat or car rides
- Bug spray or insect repellent, along with an anti-itch gel for insect bites
- Multi-vitamins or supplements to keep their immunity up
Packing Tip:
Do a quick Google map search of the area where you’ll be staying and bookmark the nearest pharmacies and grocery stores. Also, be sure to add a copy of the doctor’s prescription so you can cross-check the dosage.
3. Clothes
Next, it’s time to pack the clothes. Packing the right clothes for the entire family can make the difference between a stress-free trip and hearing your kids whine about the weather or the insect bites.
Unless you don’t mind doing laundry, throw in a few extra outfits for the kids, because they will make a mess! However, if you prefer to travel light, opt for a kid-friendly destination that offers laundry services. Airports can also get cold so be sure to dress yourself and the kids in layers!
- Undergarments: Undies, bras, vests and socks
- Bottoms: Jeans, pants, and shorts
- Tops: Shirts, T-shirts,
- Outerwear: Jackets, Sweaters, and woolen caps
- Activewear: Swimsuit, swimsuit cover-up, tracks, yoga pants
- Accessories: Hats, Caps, and sunglasses
- Other: Quick-dry clothing, Raincoats
- Shoes: weather-appropriate and comfortable
Packing Tip:
Ketchup stains aren’t fun, so throw a stain stick in your bag. A quick rinse and you’ll have fresh clothes for the trip!
4. Toiletries
Most hotels provide toiletries like shampoo, conditioner and soap, but if you are staying at a property, you may have to pack your own.
For shorter trips, be sure to pack travel-size toiletries for the entire family so you don’t have to shop once you reach your destination. If you plan to stay longer, you can just buy regular-sized bottles at the destination.
- Travel-sized shampoo
- Soap
- Baby wipes
- Contact lens solution
- Lotion
- Q-tips, nail clippers, and tweezers
5. Warm Weather Supplies
Looking for some warm weather and sunshine? Then don’t forget to pack necessities like sunscreen and a sun hat for your warmer vacations. Here’s a packing list for a beach vacation with family and some warm weather supplies you may need:
- Sunscreen
- Sun hats and sunglasses
- Reusable water bottles
- Packable Rain Gear and Back Umbrella
- Flip flops
- A beach umbrella, snorkeling gear and accessories
6. Cool Weather Supplies
Packing necessities for cool weather vacations include supplies such as:
- Thermal innerwear and wool socks
- Waterproof boots
- Hat, scarf and a down jacket
- Ear muffs and hand warmers
- Thermal flask for hot drinks
- Blankets (for nap times in strollers)
7. Travel Gadgets and Entertainment
With you ready for your destination, it’s time to pack for the journey. Pack age-appropriate activity kits, snacks and devices to keep the kids occupied and you and other passengers sane. Travel gadgets and entertainment during travel time (especially items for plane or car trips) can include:
- Noise-cancelling headphones
- Tablets pre-loaded with movies and games
- Portable chargers
- Quiet toys
- Mess-free Activity Kits
- Change of clothes in case of luggage delays
- Travel pillows
- A snack box with healthy snacks like pretzels and apple slices
- Trash bags
8. Personal Items
Only you know your family well, so be sure to add personal items to your family vacation packing list that you know they cannot live without. It could be a bouncer or a beloved blanket they need at nap times.
Babies and Toddlers (0–3 years old)
- Diapers
- Rash cream
- Baby formula, purees and bottles
- Sterilizer or sterilizing tablets
- Pack and play or travel crib
- A good travel stroller
- Burp cloth, bibs and swaddling sheets
Young Children (4–8 years old)
- Coloring and activity books
- Favorite stuffed animal or blanket
- Nightlight
Preteens and Teenagers (9–17 years old)
- Portable gaming device
- Power bank
- Books
- Reading glasses/sunglasses
- A good book for the beach
- Skincare
- Sleeping eye masks
Family Vacation Packing Pro Tips

We’ve learned a trick or two from savvy seasonal parents who travel with their young ones. And one of them includes adding the versatile Ziplock bags to the list. These sealable, water-proof, miracle bags aren’t just for sandwiches on the go! They’re perfect for keeping your phone, cash and keys dry at the beach, storing soiled or wet swim clothes, disposing dirty nappies, and even containing the mess in case your lotion leaks.
Here are some other items you might want to include:
- A versatile travel stroller that doesn’t make you work but does the work FOR you
- An all-over bib to contain the mess
- Stain-stick to avoid laundry nightmares
- A harness, baby leash or a baby carrier
- Snacks like energy bars to prevent ‘hangry’ kids
- Packets of ready-to-eat meals that your kids love for emergencies
- Lysol and face masks because healthy kids are the key to a stress-free vacation
Now, before you start throwing items in the bag, here are a few family vacation packing pro tips to prevent disasters:
- Divide and conquer to minimize losses: Uh oh! The airline misplaced one of your suitcases and now your kids have nothing to wear. While it may be tempting to be organized and dedicate one bag to the kids, it’s important to keep at least one change of outfit in your partner’s bag (and vice versa). That way, you and the kids can freshen up until the other bag is located and returned!
- Luggage organizers: Luggage organizers are one of the greatest gifts to mankind. It’s so easy to find and locate items, which makes repacking a breeze.
- Kids pack light: Your kids may want to carry their weight, but chances are you’ll be lugging that Paw Patrol travel bag an hour into transit. While it’s an excellent way to learn responsibility, and you don’t want to deny them the experience, opt for light totes that can be folded and kept inside one of your own. Only allow small, lightweight toys that won’t bother other passengers and won’t disappear in the gaps between the seats.
- Precooked meals for kids: Whether you have picky eaters or just want to enjoy a spicy traditional meal and skip the McDonalds, pack a few healthy pre-cooked meals. That way, you can heat it for the kids while you and your spouse try an authentic Neua Pad Prik.
- Do not underestimate the power of a checklist: Checklists are lifesavers. Not only will they help you pack, but a good checklist can ensure you don’t leave items behind at your rentals or hotel rooms. So, save a copy of the family vacation packing list printable on your phone.
Kid & Coe Tip:
“Make sure to start packing early, throwing things in as you think of them, to alleviate the stress of it all coming your way.”
Plan Your Next Family Vacation With Kid & Coe
Hotels are not always designed to be baby-friendly and toddlers are keen to explorer everything, so if you’re traveling with a family it might be wiser to opt for a kid-friendly vacation rental instead.
Not only can these places save you from lugging extra luggage, but many are equipped with child-friendly amenities like bed rails, stair gates, changing tables and baby baths to make life easy. They may also have books and toys to keep your toddlers occupied, giving you and your partner some much-needed downtime!
Many Kid & Coe homes have family-friendly rentals with bassinets, strollers, baby monitors and bicycles that don’t just make the space kid-friendly but also allow you to completely scratch quite a few heavy items from the family vacation packing list.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are a seasoned traveler and have most of the items in place, you can start organizing four to five days before departure. However, if you have multiple kids or need time to shop for clothes or sort out documents, it’s better to get started two weeks in advance.
Pack the essentials first (important documents and medicine) before tackling toiletries and clothes. Apart from having outfits for yourself and the kids, add a few extra tops to keep some room for spit-ups and spills.